The Taste of Dried Fish-Recycled Fish Drier instrument

全國科普教具競賽教案 Theresia Yolanda Sihombing、Zumrotul Faizah、Ayu Sarlina Pasaribu
Indonesia is one of the maritime countries that has natural marine resources. The production of many fish every year make several fishermen in several areas such as Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan take the initiative way to carry out traditional fish preservation cultivation.
The method of salting fish is very popular in Indonesia. Due to the tropical climate conditions in Indonesia, it is very helpful for fishermen in producing quality salted fish. This activity is very helpful for the economy of fishermen and small entrepreneurs.
Pingtung is one of the cities in Taiwan which has a tropical climate and is very suitable for the development of salted fish cultivation. Through this background we have great motivation to join in this national competition
The study is purpose to introduce and give some information to the elementary students about how to preserve the fish last longer by salting and drying process. With some simple ways that easier to understand and more flexible implementation. By using recycle material (glass bottle) and easily accessible items can help the students develop their comprehension about scientific process (changing water equality and reducing the moisture content of the fish from the salt) and engineering process (amount light exposure from the lamp) that happened in making dried fish .
